Nancy Miller

Mar 6, 20223 min

True Peace

I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, and shall sing of Your righteousness. Psalm 145:5-7

I have been interceding for all those affected by this most recent war in Ukraine. As I am sure many of you have as well. It has saddened my heart to watch the suffering of the Ukrainian people. It does not escape me this is a continuation of so much suffering we have seen in the world, especially in the last couple of years.

In the midst of the horrible tragedy we are seeing unfold in Ukraine there are many reports from the Ukrainian churches and pastors of wonderful miracles happening all around them. Reports are coming in of bombs that suddenly disappear in the sky, Russian soldiers wandering into churches confused and unsure where they are or what they are doing. I watched a real life video of a bomb that landed right beside a Ukrainian church filled with God’s people inside praying and it did not explode. Wonderful reports of miracles and displays of God’s glory and goodness.

It is difficult to understand suffering and to see how there can be any goodness in the midst of suffering. However, it is there for us if we dare to open the eyes of our understanding to see it. It is in the midst of suffering that we see the glory of God displayed, His light penetrating darkness, His miracles appear and His hope abounds.

We have to remember that God’s heart for His people is we all would be reconciled back into relationship with Him. He desires that none would be lost but that all would be saved and reconciled to Him. He allows these things to happen in order that we might turn to Him and not take comfort in the false security of worldly things. The world offers us peace but it’s a peace that is based on our physical comfort, a false peace based on false comforts. God offers us real peace from the Prince of Peace, Jesus. A peace that gives us eternal wealth, pleasures, comfort, security, love and joy.

God will allow the world to go through such things as war, famine, and plague in order that we might see that true peace only comes from Him. That is why it is a peace that surpasses all understanding. Our human minds struggle to comprehend a peace like this. True peace only comes in knowing we have eternal life through Him who died to pay the debt for our sins and redeemed us from the pit and the grave and brought us into the glorious light of His love, grace and mercy.

As the Saints of God our prayer should not be to avoid hardships or persecution as this is part of the human experience. But instead pray that we will finish strong, finish well and cling not to this temporary world. Pray that the light of Jesus will shine in us and penetrate the darkness and testify to the goodness and the glory of Him who purchased us, redeemed us and has sat us in the heavenly realms with Him.

Glory to God! Be blessed!

